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See How Shopify Merchants Leverage ERP to Cut Cost and Enhance Customer Satisfaction
To start an ecommerce business is always exciting but challenging.

After months or even years of hard work, you may successfully maintain a Shopify webstore with tons of orders daily.

Yet, this is still far from the end point of your ecommerce adventure.

Partial shipment. On-and-off delivery and stock return. Lag-behind inventory data. Numerous duplicated data 'copy & paste' between Shopify and your internal system............ all make you crazy.

Don't worry. It is a happy problem and Multiable is here to help.
M18 ERP, with ready-made Shopify integration, brings you an unparalleled experience in eCommerce efficiency boost:
  • Online payment of web orders are synchronized to accounting module in ERP in real-time
  • Shopify orders are saved into ERP in real-time
  • Partial shipment and sales return can easily be performed without clumsy split order in Shopify
  • Backlog report at your fingertips
  • Comprehensive procurement recommendation through business intelligence
  • Pro-active alert of late shipment of Shopify orders to customer/merchant by ERP
  • Pro-active alert of delivery of Shopify orders to customer/merchant by ERP
  • Real-time inventory update
  • Serial number / batch number management for specific goods like food, medicine, electronic devices etc.
Together with M18 Mobile Warehouse Management Solution (WMS), clumsy logistics operations are further simplified:
  • Mobile stock take
  • Mobile Shopify order stock picking
Compete for customer. Compete for efficiency.
Contact us and upgrade your eCommerce business to another level!!!
CONTACT US NOW or *click here* for our friendly colleagues to assist you to move your company to next chapter.


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